Club Information

Please follow the links for more information. 


Rotary Values

 To share the values of our members please click on :-

 Rotary Values


Club Policy & Procedures

Club Associate Membership Guidelines

Rotary Club Event Booking in Procedure

Donation Protocol (To ensure the club evaluates each request and approval of a donation with equity.) 


Insurance Certificates

Rotary Club Insurance Certificate 2022-23

Rotary Insurance Forms etc

For insurance queries, in the first instance, please contact the Club or District Support Team on [email protected] or 01789 765411 then option 2.


Club Clothing

To see the style, colour & sizes please follow the links below. Email Roger Restell giving the product number, colour and size and if you want your name under the logo.

The club colour for the Polo shirts is light blue. But if choosing a different colour please bear in mind the colour of the logo and lettering which would be lost, for instance, against a royal blue.

Polo Shirt Price List & Colours

Classic Sweatshirt Prices & Colours


Roster & Menus

Menu Options Wk 1-9


Member Recognition

The following members passed away whilst an active or Honorary member.

Rotary                 Roger Durrant                                   Frank Collins

                            Jim Robinson                                    Peter Skerratt

                            Graham Locke                                  Bob Hills

                            Colin Saunders                                 Tony Graham

                            Malcolm Carter


Inner Wheel        Linda Shea                                        Brenda Peffer

                           Margaret Locke                                 Sylvia Skerratt


Charities & Organisations Supported

National & International Charities and organisations supported by the club are shown on the following links.

Charities Supported 2022 - 2023

Charities Supported 2021 - 2022


Letters of thanks received by the Club over the past year are replicated through the links below.

Connecting & Uniting Families Thank You

Rainbow Trust Thank You 23

Kids Out Thank You 2023

Sarcoma UK Thank you

Thank you from Rainbow Trust

Barrow Farm Thank You June22

Brenda Hutchinson Thank You

Horatios Gardens Thank You

Ukraine Shelter Box Thank you.

Thanks from Horatio Gardens

Kids Inspire Thank You

Thank You from Mr & Mrs Jessop

Connecting & Uniting Families Tree of Joy

Tree of Joy Thanks


District Bulletin

Our PRO officer provides articles for the monthly District Bulletin. Please click on the links below to see what our club and other clubs in our District are doing.

















Club Magazine 

It was decided to cease publication of our own quarterly magazine called Woodrot. The information it gave is contained in this website. Prior editions remain for members' interest.


April 2023

January 2023


October 2022

July 2022

March 2022 Potters Supplement

March 2022

January 2022


November 2021

October 2021

July 2021